Rethinking Those Outdated Good Ideas for Dinner 11.08.2015

good ideas for dinner

Good family dinners have evolved dramatically, and it’s time to rethink what your parents taught you. You may be surprised to learn that some of your long-held beliefs simply aren’t true. You can enjoy good ideas for dinner without adhering to your granny’s strict guidelines!

Myth #1: No snacks!

Newsflash: having a snack will not spoil your dinner. In fact, many nutritionists advise eating something every 3-4 hours. This keeps the metabolism in check so you don’t suffer from a blood sugar lull. That being said, don’t fill up on these snacks! Fruit, veggies, nuts, and yogurt are nice choices.

Myth #2: Clean your plate!

Your parents may have guilt-tripped you with stories about families that weren’t as fortunate as yours, but finishing everything on your plate is not always best. It actually takes your body about 20 minutes to register that you’re satiated, so take a step back from your plate. Other good ideas for dinner include conversing during the meal, saving leftovers, and paying attention to hunger cues.

Myth #3: Exercise first, eat later!

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Sure, you don’t want to hit the gym or go for a jog right after eating, but having something in your body 60-30 minutes before your exercise routine will help you pusher harder and get stronger. Add some energy-efficient foods to your groceries list so that you can get the most power from your snacks and meals. Focus on carbs and proteins, while keeping fat and fiber in check. Dairy, nut butters, and granola are prime choices.

Myth #4: There is no time for a long breakfast!

When you were a kid, you probably had to rush through a bowl of cereal, or maybe nothing at all. Instead of focusing on good ideas for dinner, we need to emphasize breakfast as well because it sets you up for success. Even if you have to get up earlier, do it so you can enjoy a sit-down breakfast for at least 20 minutes. Eating too quickly could lead to over-eating because your body can’t process fullness cues immediately.

Myth #5: Good family dinners include dessert as a reward!

We need to stop labeling foods “good” and “bad.” Dessert is not a necessary part of your day, but it doesn’t have to be reserved as a reward mechanism. It tells kids they should just scarf down their dinner, ignore their hunger/fullness cues, and just get to that delicious chocolate cake. If you want to reward good behavior, try using activities instead, such as a playdate. Switch out your outdated routines with these smart replacements and add more enjoyment to all your meals!


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